Hello, my name is Sven. I am a software engineer with over 20 years of experience exploring the realms of technology.

In my early days tinkering with the VIC-20, I cut my teeth on BASIC programming and quickly learned the limitations of 5KB of RAM. Fortunately, I had a 3KB RAM expansion cartridge that was about the size of a VHS video cassette, giving me a total of 8KB RAM. Those were the days! Later on, when I moved on to the C64, I kept on exploring the world of bits and bytes with assembly language.

In my professional career I’ve had the chance to work in various industrial sectors like market research and the energy industry. I’ve been able to develop my skills in the ever-changing landscape of software development. I have a degree in Computer Science and am a Certified Scrum Master.

While I find joy in backend development using PHP and Symfony at my day job, I am also passionate about game development. From crafting immersive experiences in C# and Unity to exploring the depths of game mechanics with MonoGame, I am fascinated by the intersection of code and creativity.

When I’m not orchestrating lines of code, you’ll likely find me in a climbing gym, riding my road bike or at home, playing electric guitar and sharing space with my feline companions. Yes, I’m proudly owned by two cats who let me open their food cans. Occasionally, I also dive into the world of chiptune music, crafting digital melodies and rhythms under the pseudonym STA$D400 over on Soundcloud and Bandcamp.

Through my blog, I like to share my knowledge, experiences, and insights with fellow adventurers in the world of software and game development. Have a question, an idea to share, or just want to say hello? Don’t hesitate to reach out! Just drop me an email or get in touch on LinkedIn.